Starting A Boutique: Boutique Name Ideas for Your Clothing Business
Picking your a name for your Clothing business can seem daunting. It’s a big decision that will define your business. It will attract customers to your boutique or leave them looking elsewhere. Many factors determine whether a boutique name is good, but you could encounter many pitfalls that can land you with an ineffective boutique name.
It needs to be simple but tell the customer about your business. Your business name will be the starting point for the rest of your branding and shop set up so it is essential you get it right. For boutique name ideas and advise on how to turn that name into a website with marketing channels check out the article below.
Boutique Name Ideas
Where do good ideas come from? Picking a good name for your clothing store is the essential first step in building your business. There are lots of different boutique name ideas to consider. Within those ideas, you need to think about what best reflects your product, your target market and your style. Here are just a few boutique name ideas to get you thinking. It’s time to get creative with your business idea.
Family Clothing Ideas:
- Chloe’s Kids’ Clothing
- Twinkling Tots
- Sparkling Maternity
- Miracle Motherhood
- Princes and Princesses
- Mini-Me Wardrobe
- Bundle of Joy
- Teeny Wardrobe
- Bro and Sis Clothing
- Clothing and Sons
Petite or Plus-Sized Clothing Ideas:
- Dressing Petite
- Curves
- Petite-ables
- Clothing Plus
- The Curvy Lady
- Wardrobe Extra
- The Petite Wardrobe
- Perfect Fit
- Well-Fit Wardrobe
- Dress Right
Place Related Boutique Ideas:
- London’s Runway
- Southern Fashion
- Northerly Trend
- By the Thames
- Scotch Clothing
- Country Wardrobe
- Thread-Upon-Avon
- Western Wardrobe
- Fashion Across Borders
- Paris Style
- The Rome Design
- British Boutique
Unique Selling Point Boutique Ideas:
- Eco-Threads
- Runway
- Glittering Wardrobe
- Fairytale Fanatic
- Cosplay Clothing
- Floral Threads
- Tweens and Teens Dressing
- Adventure Wardrobe
- Dressing for the Seaside
- Modelling

Play on Words Boutique Ideas:
- Once Upon A Dress
- Take A Hike Clothing
- A Dress by Any Other Name
- On Brand
- Dress-Up
- Tip My Hat
- Woven in Gold
- Boutique of Your Dreams
- Sequins and Stitches
- Waterside Wardrobe
One-word boutique ideas:
- Dainty
- Bold
- Glittering
- Trend
- Shimmer
- Flirty
- Moonlight
- Lace
- Posy
- Fitted
How To Pick A Boutique Name
Usually, the first thing a customer learns about your business is its name so your branding starts with your boutique name. What is your business about? How can you make your business unique? What do you want clients to know about you?
Target Market
When coming up with boutique name ideas, think about your target market and how you can make that known through your branding. If you focus on children’s clothing you can include that in your name, for example, Twinkling Tots or Chloe’s Kids Clothing. If you want to target pregnant women, you could use names like Sparkling Maternity or Miracle Motherhood. Maybe your target market is plus-sized women. You could use that to your advantage, such as Curves. Think about what would appeal to your target market when brainstorming boutique name ideas.
Consider your unique selling point (USP) and how this can be expressed through your boutique name. When customers are deciding which boutique to browse, telling them what makes you different from your competitors through your brand will increase visitors and sales. If your USP is that your clothes are eco-friendly, the customer needs to know this as soon as they see your brand, such as Eco Threads. You may take inspiration from high-end designers and runways. Attract customers looking for such clothing through your boutique name, such as Runway. Remember your boutique name is the forefront of your branding and your branding depends on your USP. It all interlinks. Branding should be considered when debating boutique name ideas.
Your location can also affect your branding. A clothing business will sell different clothes in London than in the Highlands of Scotland or Paris. Different locations have different trends and clothing needs. Having a brand that portrays the location of your business is particularly important if you only sell locally. It would be a waste for someone from Australia to click on your website if your online business only serves the UK. From British Boutique to more subtle location boutique names like Whisley Dressing, location related names can draw in your target market. It will tell your customers that you understand what they need and are part of the local community. Are there any place names you could include in your brand?
As well as your boutique name telling the customer about your business, it should be easy for the customer to remember and tell others. This is where thinking about literary techniques can come in handy. Alliteration (words next to each other starting with the same letter) is snappy and memorable. Dainty Daisy or Wendy’s Wardrobe are examples of this.
Puns or play on words also have a memorability to them. Taking a common phrase related to clothing and twisting it for your boutique name can be effective, for example, Once Upon A Dress. It will peak customers interest and make them want to know more about you by visiting your shop or website. Puns can spark creativity for your boutique name ideas.
Sometimes it’s easier to just keep it simple, even as simple as one-word boutique names. A simple boutique name that is easy to remember and meaningful is better than something very complicated. Think about the style of your clothing and a way you could express it in one-word – Dainty, Bold or Glittering are all possible options. Keeping it basic avoids tongue twisters and confusing spelling.
Unusual or foreign words may sound beautiful but if a customer can’t pronounce your boutique name when telling friends or spell it when searching for you online, you will struggle to be found. You want to make it as easy as possible for customers to spread the word and find your website so keep that in mind when creating your branding. Simple boutique names are sometimes the best.
If you make your branding too complex, customers may not understand your style and branding. They could move on to other boutiques instead of giving you a chance. Among your ideas get rid of any that are too confusing and keep the simple boutique names.

Your boutique name is important for gaining the online traffic you want. When branding and marketing your business, you will consider keywords that customers will use when searching for the product you provide. Using a keyword in your boutique name can aid in getting your website higher up on search results and enticing customers to click.
Maybe you sell a lot of clothing with floral patterns. Including floral in the boutique name, could be useful in getting the search engine and potential customers to understand what you provide. A boutique name such as Dark Days, while using alliteration, does not portray floral pattern dresses to a customer or search engine. Consistency throughout your branding is the key to finding success. Which of your boutique name ideas is most on brand?
Your Story
Part of your branding may include the story of your boutique. Your USP may be that you are a local family having owned your shop for generations. Therefore, you could include your family name in your boutique name to portray that.
Your story could be that you set up your boutique after making princess dresses for your own daughters so fairy-tales are a key element of your Clothing business. Including fairy-tale related wording can make your branding more effective. Customers appreciate businesses having stories and emotions attached to them. It makes the business more meaningful. If you have a story to tell, tell it through your boutique name.
Having a unique brand is not only important for attracting customers but for staying within the boundaries of the law. You can’t legally use a name that has already been trademarked. Changing the phrase slightly may not be good enough to prevent brand confusion for customers. Uniqueness is also essential for the digital side of trading.
You need to check that no one else has a website and social media account with a name that is the same or similar to yours as this could prevent customers from finding you. In the online world, there are so many businesses, websites and profiles, you need to stand out from the crowd. Domain availability can make or break the name for your business.
When picking a name from your list, consider your target audience, USP, location, memorability, simplicity, keywords for your business, the business story and domain availability.
Creating A Website For Your Boutique Business
So, you’ve spent all this time searching through boutique name ideas to finally find your perfect boutique name. Now it’s time to take the next step. Creating a website for your business can be a great way to start or expand your boutique.
Why Create a Website
Setting up a website costs much less than paying rent for a physical shop and can reach many more people. Your boutique may be too niche for the local high-street but it will find its customer base online. Having an online presence will open the door for online advertising, search engine optimization and social media marketing. This is why the boutique name idea you pick has to be unique. It’s time to turn your well thought out boutique name into an online business.
Where to Start
When creating a website, you need to get some web hosting. The web host will be putting your website online so anyone can access it through an internet connection. There are free web hosts out there but we do not recommend them as they are likely to be slow and unreliable. There are many affordable web hosts out there. Its very easy to create a website these days. All you need is a domain name, web hosting account and then you can install something like WordPress and install a free or premium WordPress theme (design). However, you may want to hire someone more experienced to help you.
Why Pay?
The more you pay, the more options and support you will receive for your website. Paying for extra website designing and website maintenance could be a good option if you don’t know much about building websites. This can be done through your website provider or a skilled freelancer who can build or develop your website for you. If you don’t have a high-quality website, customers will not purchase from you. They need to understand what you are providing, how they can purchase it and trust you with their money and details.
You may not have the money to hire a professional to create your website so you may go with just buying a theme. However, if a customer sees that you have a very similar design to another website, then they may lose trust in your business. Therefore, it is crucial for your business to get its own custom design. We recommend our partner Technabyte if you are looking for a reliable web design company.
Choosing the best host
Choosing a reliable web host is very important. There are many out there and it can be a very daunting task to look at all of the web hosts without having much firsthand experience. Make sure that you check their reviews before buying and we recommend a reliable host like SiteGround (check out our review of them). They have 24/7 support and very fast servers to ensure that your website loads quickly so you don’t lose customers who can’t be bothered to wait for your website to load. SiteGround provides free SSL certificates to secure your website. Customers are less likely to trust you with their payment information if your website is shown as not secure.
Branding and marketing your boutique website
Once you have created your website, make sure you are using it most efficiently. It is worth putting time and effort into polishing your website to appeal to your target market and ensure it is easy to use.
Your website needs to be easy to navigate so customers can find what they are looking for and purchase it without any hitches. You need to consider that more and more people are using devices other than computers to shop online. If your website displays poorly on a tablet or phone, customers may struggle to view your products and give up on purchasing them. Your website should be updated regularly; this will keep returning customers engaged and attract new customers with the fresh content you are producing.
You don’t want winter clothes to be the first thing customers see on your website when they click on it in the summer. As well as displaying your summer collection, you could write a piece about the products from your boutique that you would recommend customers take on a beach holiday. You could also run 24-hour discounts on your website to increase sales.
Your website needs to be in line with your branding and USP that you worked so hard to incorporate into your boutique name. What was the point of meticulously picking out the name Sweet Roses from among your boutique name ideas when your website is designed in black and grey colors with a gothic font? Your website design should reflect your boutique name which should have been picked according to your product. This all interlinks for your branding – product, boutique name, website design and content. You don’t want your customer to be confused about what your business is. If it isn’t consistent, go back to your boutique name ideas and pick a more appropriate one.
Email Marketing
One way to increase sales and the content your customers receive from you is to set up an email list. If customers consent to be contacted by you, you are given the opportunity to promote your products and sales straight to their personal inbox. The more personalized you made these emails, the more likely you will show them something they want to buy. Sell your products in a clear and engaging way and your customers will buy.
Social Media Marketing
Making sure your boutique name has an available domain name for your website and social media profile is important because social media content can drive customers to your website. If customers see photos of your products on Instagram and like the look of them, they will go to your website to view your products. This is another place where your branding needs to be clear.
You can create consistency between social media profiles and the website by using the same color pallets and fonts that reflect your boutique name and style. The keywords that you want to optimize on your website, should be the same keywords that you use on social media posts in the captions and hashtags. You need to be consistently telling the customers what your boutique business is about without confusing them.
Search Engine Marketing
You want your website to rank high on search engines when customers are looking for your product. This can be done through paid advertising, but you can also do this organically. You should have completed step one by picking a boutique name that reflects the product you sell and the keywords associated with it. The next step will be to include your keywords consistently on your website. The more you use the keyword, the more relevant a search engine will find your website when someone searches for that keyword. Therefore, the higher up your website will be shown in the search results without having to pay for it.
However, you must avoid keyword stuffing. Keyword stuffing is when you use the keyword too many times. It is generally recommended that you keep your keywords density at 1-3%. Keyword density is calculated by the number of words your article has divided by the number of times your keyword appears. So if your article has 1000 words, you should not use the keyword more than 30 times (3%). If you are new to search engine optimization, check out this article about on-page SEO, it will teach you everything you need to get started with acquiring search engine traffic.
When people are doing search engine optimization, one big mistake they make is focusing on keywords that are too competitive. If you go try to optimize your article for a keyword like “clothes” for example, this will be too competitive for a new website. You should find long tail keywords like “boutiques in Ireland” if you boutique is based in Ireland. A long tail keyword is effectively longer phrases that people search for. The reason why these are effectively is because they tend to be less competitive than single word keywords. However, be sure to use a tool like KW Finder to find low competition, long tail keywords to make sure that they both get traffic and is relatively easy to rank.
If you are a local orientated clothing business, you may want to focus your attention on local marketing. Many customers will type in the product they want and the location they want to get it from. A place related boutique name will help your business to appear in search results. You can take this even further by including your business on google maps if it has a physical location.
This means that when a customer searches for your boutique’s product along with your location, your business will pop up on a map. It will show information for them to contact you and provide directions so they can visit to your store straight away. Having a place orientated boutique name is not enough if your location is a key part of your branding. You need your location to be listed on all of your online profiles and in local directories so wherever a customer is looking for your product in your area, you show up to fulfil their needs.
When trying to manage your search engine ranking, keyword use and customer interactions with your marketing campaigns, it can be helpful to use a tool that processes your analytics for you. For example, Google Analytics. This will monitor if the keywords you are using for search engine optimization are effective and whether customers are clicking on a link in your email marketing. You can see where customers are coming from when they make a purchase. It will help you to see where you are succeeding, where you need improvement and where to focus your efforts. Getting your boutique name out there requires effort but you can focus that effort into channels that will get you the most customers and sales.
A boutique name isn’t just a name. It is the first touchpoint between your business and your customers. It sets the tone of your branding and business story. There are so many boutique name ideas out there. You have to find a boutique name that reflects your product, your story and your target consumer.
You can see how an idea transforms into a boutique name which transforms into a website with social media and search engine marketing. Taking time to search through your boutique name ideas and pick the perfect one is worth it because it feeds into every step you will make from there. Your name is the jumping point for your business to boom. Pick the perfect boutique name for you and start your clothing business today.